The Acies will be held at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church, 21 Queen St. S., Thorold, on Saturday, March 25, 2017, at 2:30 p.m.
In preparation for the Acies, all praesidia are asked to read "A Marian Synthesis"(Appendix 11 of the Handbook of the Legion of Mary) during their weekly meeting directly preceding the Acies Ceremony.
"Bearing in mind the importance of devotion to Mary in the Legion system, each year there shall be a consecration of legionaries to Our Lady. The consecration — which shall comprise both an individual and a collective consecration — will take place on the 25 March or on a day close thereto, and will be known as the Acies. This Latin word, meaning as it does an army ranged in battle array, is appropriate to a ceremony in which the legionaries as a body assemble to renew their fealty to Mary, Queen of the Legion, and from her to receive strength and blessing for yet another year’s battle with the forces of evil. Moreover, the word is in effective contrast with praesidium, which contemplates the Legion, no longer drawn up in united array, but split up into its various sections, each engaged in its own particular sphere of duty.
The Acies is the great central annual function of the Legion, so that it is necessary to stress the importance of attendance on the part of every member. The essential idea of the Legion, upon which all else is built, is that of working in union with and in dependence on Mary, its Queen. The Acies is the solemn expression of that union and dependence, the renewal—individual and collective—of the legionary declaration of fealty. Hence it is manifest that any legionaries who can attend, and yet fail to do so, have little or none of the spirit of the Legion in them. The membership of such persons is not an asset to the Legion." (Handbook of the Legion, Ch. 30, No.1)
In preparation for the Acies, all praesidia are asked to read "A Marian Synthesis"(Appendix 11 of the Handbook of the Legion of Mary) during their weekly meeting directly preceding the Acies Ceremony.
Annual Retreat
The Annual Retreat was held at St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church, 135 Livingstone Ave., Grimsby, on Saturday, April 18, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. The theme for the retreat was be "Titles of Our Lady." The retreat will started at 9:00 a.m. with Mass, followed by Confession. The sessions were conducted by three priests who spoke about Mary under the titles: "Cause of Our Joy," "Mother of God," and "Queen of Peace."
Annual Summer Outing
The annual summer outing was held at the Cathedral of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, St. Catharines, on Saturday, June 18, 2016, starting at 8:30 a.m. with Confession, Holy Mass at 9:00 a.m., and a pilgrimage to the Holy Door of Mercy. A picnic will follow at Montebello Park.
"The holding of this function dates back to the earliest days of the Legion. It is not obligatory, but it is recommended. It may take the form of an excursion, pilgrimage, or outdoor function. As determined by the Curia, this may be either a Curia or a praesidium function. In the latter event, two or more praesidia may combine for the function." (Handbook of the Legion, Ch. 30, No. 3)
General Annual Reunion
The General Annual Reunion was held on Sunday, December 4, 2016, at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, St. Catharines.
"At a time as near as possible to the feast of the Immaculate Conception a reunion of all the members shall be held. If desired, this may begin with a church celebration. There follows a social evening. If not already recited at a church function, the full Legion prayers are to be said, divided into three parts as at a meeting. It is better to confine this programme to the contributions of legionaries. In addition to lighter items, there should be some addresses or papers of legionary interest.
It will surely be unnecessary to remind legionaries that formality must find no place there. This is to be specially guarded against where many legionaries are participating. It must be the object to make all those present know each other better. Therefore, the programme should afford opportunity for movement and conversation. Those in charge should contrive that the members do not keep together in parties and thus frustrate the main purpose of the function, which is the fostering of the spirit of unity and affection in the Legion family." (Handbook of the Legion, Ch. 30, No. 2)
The Congress was held at the Cathedral of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, St. Catharines, on Saturday, May 17, 2014, at 9:00 a.m.
The Congress is meant to give all members a better understanding of the Legion of Mary.
"The Concilium has ruled that an area should not hold a Congress more often than every second year. A whole day should be devoted to the function. The availability of a Religious house will solve many of the problems. If possible, the proceedings should begin with Mass, followed by a short address by the Spiritual Director or other priest, and should terminate with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. The day is divided into sessions, each session having its subject or subjects. Each subject should be very briefly opened up by someone who will have previously prepared his contribution. All should take some part in the discussions. This general participation forms the very life of the Congress." (Handbook of the Legion, Ch. 30, No. 5)
"The Concilium has ruled that an area should not hold a Congress more often than every second year. A whole day should be devoted to the function. The availability of a Religious house will solve many of the problems. If possible, the proceedings should begin with Mass, followed by a short address by the Spiritual Director or other priest, and should terminate with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. The day is divided into sessions, each session having its subject or subjects. Each subject should be very briefly opened up by someone who will have previously prepared his contribution. All should take some part in the discussions. This general participation forms the very life of the Congress." (Handbook of the Legion, Ch. 30, No. 5)
United Hour of Prayer
The Senatus covers four time zones; nevertheless this hour of united prayer will be entered into simultaneously by all legionaries from Newfoundland and New Brunswick, to Ontario and Manitoba. While it may cause some inconvenience, this is a common effort in all legionaries are encouraged to participate.
To assail heaven with one collective voice to ask for a vast increase in good and strong active members. This is our one and only prayer intention and is to be done in silent and individual concerted prayer (ideally before the Blessed Sacrament exposed).
3:00 p.m. local time, with all legionaries praying at the same time.
ALL active and auxiliary members of the Legion of Mary.
If at all possible, legionaries are to gather before the Blessed Sacrament (exposed or before the tabernacle). If this is not possible, then legionaries are to participate in the hour of prayer at home.